Monday, November 15, 2010



I started blogging in hopes that I could blab about my art and find others like me. “My people” I call them. If you are my friend you most likely fall into this highly desirable category. Desirable to me that is. Being the artsy crafty type sometimes I find it difficult to connect with the “normal” people. I brush this off, telling myself that most people are simple and hopefully the will not breed. Other days I just wish I could crawl into a bohemian dog pile that feels like home.

I have said it before, Language in not my friend. I am a product of the public schools system and I am reminded of this fact daily. I can not spell. I can not multiply. Without a computer and calculator I appear to be an idiot. I consider myself only functionally literate. At least I am not normal.  Yet here I am trying to communicate with text. I giving up on the art talk today. I think to know me is to love me or to be violently repelled by me.

Keeping it short cause my shoulder is angry. 
Finally finished the Witch

Look I did my chart on line. What does it mean?


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Making with the Ebay for the holidays. PLEASE have a look at my current Auctions ( you can even bid if you want to)
Halloween Black cat ALL proceeds are all going to my local Espanola Valley Humane Society and
Halloween Jack in the Sack with most of the proceeds going to straight to paying my ebay bill.

Now get to it people.

I will post a REAL blog soon, really I will.
Cathy :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ebb and Flow

 Do you know Fred Babb?
I desperately need to write a blog and I just can't motivate myself.  So I'm trying out a dictation program. When you dont type well or write well or spell well AND spent most of your day at a computer is hard to blog. I have no idea how people do it everyday.

I'm constantly thinking of things I could be writing about on my morning dog walk, or in the car 
or I'm laying in bed trying to sleep. When I am trying to sleep, BAMM there is the idea for me. I NEVER remember it. I won't get up out of bed and write down.  So much insight the world will never know because I am to sleepy. I am sure the world will survive without my blathering. Yet here I am a blather.

I am at a bit of a wall. I haven't been painting or sculpting, no I'm really doing anything I deem important. I haven't been posting any blogs or selling on eBay nor Etsy.  I just don't feel like there is enough time for everything. I feel overwhelmed at time that don't have enough time to finish everything. And by "everything" and "time" I mean: There simply are not enough years in a lifetime.

I am not sure what I was saying at this point but here is what the Dictation program though I was saying "him it's the evidence love that creative work I'm in the Arab 
population I said hello and I thought well"
is that what they call speaking in tongues?

life is challenging
that makes life better right?

Can anyone find a balance? One can do art all the time and neglect personal relationships. That makes for lots o' art and very few friends.

We/I need Balance.

Where is the balance between self-promotion, self care and creativity? And what of the cost of it all? Monitarly and emotionally, wax on/wax off?

"I have to talk for today, sorry English 
teachers nice speaking is even worse than the writing"
That translates to I hate proof reading an for that I am truly sorry if I have caused you any pain.

Goodnight my rockstars,

One more thing I'm including a link to a short Amanda 
Palmer talk since she has been keeping my spirts up lately, please listen to this TOWARD A PATRONAGE SOCIETY

More Dictation mishaps "What a shocker that is 
penetrating my time doing things I wanted to. Let me to do my job. 
Hustler. Now the big fun grandpa robbed, so how do you find the balance?"

This is almost done, coming to Ebay soon
And this fellow too, I am just not sure what he is yet.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dear Facebook... you suck

Dear Facebook,

I think i may have to break things off with you. I don't really know if we can go on like this. There are so many reasons why this will just never work.
For starters You are a player. It's always games with you. Just when I think things are starting to get better you start them up all over again.  You make me angry and jealous all time. When you talk about all your "friends" and all the things you do together I think "Hey, what about me?". 
I can't afford the luxurious vactions you are always taking and then continuously talk about. You know it makes me jealous but that doesn't stop you. Then you showing me picture after picture. Then there is the matter of you indecision, sometimes your married then single then you say it is just complicated. Complicated! What the heck am I suppose to do with that!

Sent from my iPod

Okay what can I say, I am feeling a little "over" social media. When my health first went to pot I was desperate of social interaction. Say hello to Facebook. It was great, I got to know what the heck was going on with people, people I know, people living in the world. The world that at the time I was greatly removed from.
Now, in spite of the doctors I do seem to be getting "better-ish" which actually leads me to resent what people are doing more. Why? Well I feel just good enough now to want to do things but not good enought to actually do most of them.
So here I be, in my bubble, desperate for friends and social contact, sickened by public places and restaurants, with an intrinsic disdain for the telephone and I house full of animals.

Which brings me back to facebook.... you suck! 

If facebook, myspace, twitter etc. were actually Social Media sites that brought us closer together rather than farther apart, that would be something! A place online where we might strengthen bonds rather than show off (its all about being a f*cking star, baby) that might change the world!
I want to be supported, I want to support.  I know that people doing what I want to do are not stealing my game they are paving my path. At least that's what I would like to believe.
“One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world was better for this.”

I am a women of La Mantra and this week's mantra is...  lemme think
Change your world before the world changes you

What going to be your La Mantra this week?

As always thanks for reading and I am the queen of run-on words and engrish that may not be appropriate for the English teachers amongst us :)

That all being said, please follow me on twitter, friend me on facebook and help make me a f*cking star of the interwebs ;)

Now for your enjoyment the "Jack in the Sack" with drum roll.......arms down


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Split Worlds

So I think from now on I will be posting split blogs 1/2 the wordy business and 1/2 art update and they most likely will have nothing in common. Lets get started shall we?


I am almost done with this Large Halloween "Jack in a Sack" but I need your help. I have decided to add arms. The Question is  Arms Up? Arms Down? See Pics and respond ASAP ( I really want to get this one off the table)

Please vote in form of a comment :)

Now onto the Wordy bits. I am now typing the wordy bits on my ipod from bed then I email to my computer then to this blog. This is why they are short however I feel they contain the "moment" and what my point was. Unless I fell asleep but I will try not to let that happen again.

Wordy bits go something like this:

a friend once explained to me that I have a magnetic personality, either you are strongly drawn to me or violently repelled. To those of you I have repelled: I didn't realize the effect I was having on you and I am sorry but we just are not meant to be. Everybody else thanks for keeping up with me!

this weekend I began to see myself a tiny bit more objectively than I ever have before. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am shy. when I say this people tend to roll their eyes and maybe scoff but it is true. since I am this shy person, I also get nervous. If I have you cornered and am talking to you and asking questions some part of me is super nervous. So super nervous that if you are not engaging me in some way, i pump it up, (over the top here I come!)
this is what they call the "tipping point", this is the point went you start to love me and think I am the coolest or....when you begin to make your escape plan from the chatty Cathy who maybe insane or even a stalker. that's was I learned this weekend, the more nervous I become the more magnetic pull or thrust I begin to generate.
I also tried out a new acupuncturist , Japanese tradition, that seems  to equal more smoke and bruises but we shall see . Lookie- the camera adds 10 pounds you know
Sent from my iPod
As always proof readin is for sackers
Thanks for reading, YOU ROCK!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not art, life or nature but thoughts from bed

lying in bed and typing on my iPod.

I was looking at flash drives a few days ago and was truely shocked that I can now buy a tiny little hard drive that can hold 2gig's for $10!

I should buy one. It just freaks me out when I think about my first computer and where we are now and where we will be soon.  Was it Commodore 64 or was it the good ol PC88 that we had first? I should remember but I don't. I do remember Zork. Sometimes I play it online and relize I kinda always sucked at it:) I tend to get lost in the maze. Haven't played it? Well give it a spin Play Zork .  You BBS's I haven't forgotten, I remember you fondly too. We had two here in Santa fe, lucky us. Actually I think they were both out of Los Alamos. I can not believe I forgot the names but I remember the Syop's well. Thanks Guy's it was fun!

I also remember the very first ISP I every saw.... now I am not sure if it was compuserve or protege? The thing I do remember i there was an ad for Ford and I thought oh no the future it's going to be one big commercial,
boy was I wrong ;)

Well how's that for a trip down memory lane? Care to fill in the blanks? Go For it.
Thanks for reading my rambling.

as always proofin is for you mother

now for some more Ipod art


Monday, June 21, 2010


Look I have been taking more pictures of myself, it sure passes the time!

I have taken so many in hopes that one will look really good to me, I think 

it  might be time for a big ol' crazy wig.

What can one say? Life it happens whether you take part or not. As for me I have been QUOTE Sick UNQUOTE for the last two years. That is a lot of time when you consider how little time we get, more than our pets and usually more than our men but still so brief.
It seems like the days and weeks and months just slip though. It is like trying to hold water and it's all a wash in the end.
Sent from my iPod

Brace yourself or turn back while you still can I am about to feel sorry for myself  and I am taking you with me.

Now I sit at my computer. It makes my shoulder hurt. I have been so pressed for time and I know that is a pressure only I can make myself feel and I do.
Website, Ebay, Esty, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and this blog, they all eat time, time I could be making art or dancing or even relaxing( i think that's what they call it). I REALLY miss dancing.
The real time eater? Work, better known as my job, the one that pays the mortgage and feeds the furry children. All the time I send doing for someone else all the things I should be doing for me.

Another Halloween Jack, this one is in a sack, 

I am not sure where to take him from here.

What do you all think? Does he need arms and legs?

How about straw or candy? maybe spiders

Sometimes I wonder how things would be different it money was no object. Would I make the leap if I didn't have to worry about faith? Making stuff I like and feeling good while I am doing it just doesn't seem like a crazy dream to me but the having to make money part that is the challenge. I have started posting on Ebay. The plan is to try the auction first and if it doesn't sell there, then on to Etsy.
Now I am an addict, I check my ebay posting constantly and worry about it too. I see how many people have viewed it and how many are NOT watching and start to go crazy as no one bids. I gotta get over this.
Well feel slightly better now. As always proof readin is for the man :) Sorry about the formatting, it seems to be a mystery to me. Please Comment, I need input, direction, or at least a few laughs.


Just in case you have not noticed....  

Ebay =

Website =

Esty =

Twitter =

Facebook =!/profile.php?id=634174845

Flickr =

and this blog =

 This is the Current Ebay Listing


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am in a pack rat hell. I trip and drop and dig and spill because my studio is a studio, office, sewing room, kitty toilet and so much more. I have been making myself crazy with TOO MUCH STUFF. I need suggestions and furniture to tackle this beast.

as always prooff readin is for the man
Cathy ;D

Friday, June 4, 2010


Halloween Witch Painting FINISHED yay me

Kinda pissed off lookin Lady Painting also Finished - now just needs a frame, woo-hoo!

okay trying to write on my iPod. how do I get what I type from here to there? oh I see now. shall I get on with it? (I typed this out on my Ipod, I have been trying to find better ways to get my thoughts from my brain to my blog before I forget them)

UPDATES of LIFE, ART, NATURE ! What do they have in common? Me and you too.

ART: I made a promise to myself and to my art and since I have been like a sumo at a buffet hungrily trying to stuff it all in before closing time. I have been so greedy and so worried about closing time that I have been forgetting to breathe and taste and enjoy. I beat myself up "if I only had more time, more help, more talent..." I am being consumed by myself, and that is just weird.

As always comments are welcome and encouraged and I am not grammatically correct so stuff it.

Thanks for reading :)

Next time on A Hidden Rave "LIFE:"

also for your enjoyment IPOD ART


Friday, May 28, 2010

Dear Hand Vein

Here is one of my left handed cuties, Girl with dog
Dear Hand Vein

It’s past due again and time for a blog.

A week ago I felt brilliant and had a lot to say about it so I begin writing my next blog on a very small piece of folder paper I had in my bag. I jotted down some VERY insightful conclusions about the world and Art too. Later I tossed it out mistaking it for “more crap in my bag that I didn’t need” oops.

Yesterday when I was out to a walk I knew exactly about what I was going to write about and cursed myself for not having some sort of voice recorder. I now since have completely forgotten the aforementioned blog. 

Last night when lying in bed and thinking about tomorrow and about sleep and about marketing and about art and about cloud formations that might make you believe in god, I thought I could have the beginnings of a blog. Today I woke up and have forgotten exactly where I was going with that one.

So this is all for today and I have told you of the blogs that could have been, it's better than nothing, right? Just I reminder - I spell check, I no proof read.

Cat Herein

Dear Hand Vein? Yup I have been playing with an anagram generator and you can too


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Arts n' Crafts

Semantics are my enemy, so is spelling... well English in general. Often I find myself just staring at text  when I realize 'hey, all those lines and shapes are actually words!' does anyone else have this happen? 

Well its late but I want to get something out here in space, I have never been good a keeping journals, correspondence or anything of the sort but I am trying.

I haven't been "online" very much the last few weeks, I have however been working on Art.  Please see examples below. I am running out of wall space. I hope to be getting back to more sculpting soon. That still doesn't help with the wall space issue.

I printed up some new cards recently and I went the the tag line "the fine art of craft". I am thinking wtf? Art vs Craft, its all just words short simple words that can change how people thing when the look at you work. Firstly, I have been thinking about it A LOT and I think CRAFT = Functional Art. When I say craft from now on I will reserve it for Chairs and Tables and Bird-feeders and Toasters and anything else I love and use for something other than visual masturbation. Yup I said masturbation now get over it.

Did I mention I am no longer proof reading? I hate typing, if you cant handle my complete disregard for grammar and spelling and sentence structure, maybe you should just blacklist this blog or just look at the pretty pictures (that's what I do.)

What the heck is my point? I am sick of trying to make myself "fit" into words. Fine Art, Folk Art, Primate Art, Sculptural, Figurative, Outsider, Insider, I DON'T CARE. I had a great teacher, who always when looking at Art, asked "Do you like it? Would you want it in you house?" and do you? If you fall in love with a painting does it matter who painted it or how? I think knowing more about the artist can be a great selling point but if you only like something when someone else tells you that you should maybe its time to stop buying art and start seeing a professional.

I know I had a point... now what was it?
Should I make Folk Art vs Fine Art? Should I make Figurines vs Sculptures?
Can't I just make shit? Can't it be Art because the intention is there and I just feels like art?

I think this song really drives my point home for me any how.
Well I have to calm down and go to sleep. I am interested in your comments, lets talk arts and crafts.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Going "LIVE" sorta

Going LIVE

Technology may be your friend but its not mine. Finally I am putting up a website, mind you this is my first time so don’t be too critical. Here it is and all its glitches (i am working on it) I am going to keep this blog rather than another on my website, its just easier this way. At this moment I am all about ease of use.

I know it has been a while but I have been busy being "prolific" or something like that. I have been getting the hustle back in my bustle, we'll say. Do to a frightfully screwed up chain of events, I am loosing a bunch of my fingernails, that means the dolls are on hold at the moment. So I have been painting and thinking REALLY hard about Art. This is what I am thinking at the moment, I am going to buy at least one piece of Art that I love and I can afford EVERY MONTH. This means I am making it possible for people (people like me) to move beyond they day jobs and make art full time. So I encourage all of you to do the same, love it and buy it, you will feel good when you see it in your home or office or Winnebago (especially if you buy from me :)

That's all for now. I have no patience for typing today so enjoy these images of what I am up to.

LOOKIE ----->


Saturday, February 6, 2010

WARNING! This was not proof read! sorry


Blog, blog, blog…. Social networking is kind of a drag.
I have lots to say. My brain is continually churning out interesting revelations yet when the time comes to write it down, POOF.  Maybe I should start recording my random thoughts and when the time comes type them out and couple with a smattering of images, viola = blog (or not).
My free time is limited. Blogging, tweeting and facebookery are an after thought. “oh crap I forgot about the WORLD WIDE WEB, the sky will surely fall” I am interested and fascinated by these interwebs and how I have the freedom and ease to grab a word definition with out grabbing a dictionary, to spy into the lives of EX’s and seek out like minded individuals from well… ANYWHERE!
So many people and projects and things overwhelm me but I can’t look away. Not to mention feeling “less than” when I am not the one on the monitor.
There is a flip side, there always is.  (I will refrain)
I just want to make art, hang out with my animals in the sun and maybe change the world a little. Can social networking help me? Not with the art making or the sun bathing but can a blog or a tweet or a website make a positive difference? I think so. How? I am still working that out. I have more to say about this but I am already getting lost in the cluster of convolution.

Comments and Suggestions are always welcome 

I haven't photgraphed any thing this week so here is my face


Monday, January 18, 2010

Round One

Okay, I am in the ring and am starting this first round pretty strong. Here are the very first of my cemetery animals.  I am thinking: cats, birds, rats and maybe some skeleton dogs. Suggestions are always welcome.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Creative Commitment

I have been thinking a lot lately about what it means to commit to your art and to yourself. Recent health problem have forced me  to change the way I live my life. I now have to care and really nurture myself in ways I would have never deemed acceptable in the past. These things are now a daily necessity just to keep myself in relative balance.

We forget ourselves so easily.  I have always been my last priority, just as my art too has found it's way to the bottom of my to-do list.

What does it take to break this habit? The core of me knows this thinking and action is backwards. Have I become a casualty of Adult life? At what point did making the bed and showering come before coloring with every crayon the box has to offer? I do understand that being a functioning adult requires me to pay the bills, eat regularly and even bathe but I don't have to like it! I also recognize there are many ways to shoot a horse (or what ever that expression is).

I believe that in order for me to feel "okay" and in balance, not even necessarily happy, I must make a commitment. To commit to my art the same way I have been with my body and mind.

I don't know what it is like to be anyone else but me. When I am in it, making, doing, creating, I feel a calm, a peace that I do not find anywhere else. Doesn't everyone want to feel at peace?

What are the measures to take in order to nurture my art?

This week I will start by doing more of what nurtures me and less of what doesn't. 
I will let my creativity guide me.
I will find and see more art in the world everyday, whether it be manhole cover or sunrise.

Wish me luck

Here is what is currently on the table. enjoy

Oh I remember now "skin a cat", what the hell freaky kinda of expression is that?
