Monday, November 15, 2010



I started blogging in hopes that I could blab about my art and find others like me. “My people” I call them. If you are my friend you most likely fall into this highly desirable category. Desirable to me that is. Being the artsy crafty type sometimes I find it difficult to connect with the “normal” people. I brush this off, telling myself that most people are simple and hopefully the will not breed. Other days I just wish I could crawl into a bohemian dog pile that feels like home.

I have said it before, Language in not my friend. I am a product of the public schools system and I am reminded of this fact daily. I can not spell. I can not multiply. Without a computer and calculator I appear to be an idiot. I consider myself only functionally literate. At least I am not normal.  Yet here I am trying to communicate with text. I giving up on the art talk today. I think to know me is to love me or to be violently repelled by me.

Keeping it short cause my shoulder is angry. 
Finally finished the Witch

Look I did my chart on line. What does it mean?
