Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Arts n' Crafts

Semantics are my enemy, so is spelling... well English in general. Often I find myself just staring at text  when I realize 'hey, all those lines and shapes are actually words!' does anyone else have this happen? 

Well its late but I want to get something out here in space, I have never been good a keeping journals, correspondence or anything of the sort but I am trying.

I haven't been "online" very much the last few weeks, I have however been working on Art.  Please see examples below. I am running out of wall space. I hope to be getting back to more sculpting soon. That still doesn't help with the wall space issue.

I printed up some new cards recently and I went the the tag line "the fine art of craft". I am thinking wtf? Art vs Craft, its all just words short simple words that can change how people thing when the look at you work. Firstly, I have been thinking about it A LOT and I think CRAFT = Functional Art. When I say craft from now on I will reserve it for Chairs and Tables and Bird-feeders and Toasters and anything else I love and use for something other than visual masturbation. Yup I said masturbation now get over it.

Did I mention I am no longer proof reading? I hate typing, if you cant handle my complete disregard for grammar and spelling and sentence structure, maybe you should just blacklist this blog or just look at the pretty pictures (that's what I do.)

What the heck is my point? I am sick of trying to make myself "fit" into words. Fine Art, Folk Art, Primate Art, Sculptural, Figurative, Outsider, Insider, I DON'T CARE. I had a great teacher, who always when looking at Art, asked "Do you like it? Would you want it in you house?" and do you? If you fall in love with a painting does it matter who painted it or how? I think knowing more about the artist can be a great selling point but if you only like something when someone else tells you that you should maybe its time to stop buying art and start seeing a professional.

I know I had a point... now what was it?
Should I make Folk Art vs Fine Art? Should I make Figurines vs Sculptures?
Can't I just make shit? Can't it be Art because the intention is there and I just feels like art?

I think this song really drives my point home for me any how.
Well I have to calm down and go to sleep. I am interested in your comments, lets talk arts and crafts.


Queen Geek said...

I think you absolutely can Just Make Shit. And I think that by all means you should!! I love the results when you just make what comes to you. The left handed drawings, the ghost paintings and the girls. Those are all wonderful. Though, I think everything you do if wonderful (I am aware that I may be a bit biased). You do things well.

CO Rocky Gal said...

Great post! BTW...really like the painting of the blonde with the dangly earrings that's in the pic you took of your desk (2nd pic down). Very flapper-ish!

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