Sunday, June 16, 2013

Google knows everything

Recently I've been searching the internet with my old standby search engine, Google. Google is where we mere mortals find answers for everything under the sun. The internet knows almost everything right? However the truth is, all those questions are not answered by a machine they are answered by the people who add content to the Internet. This blog is devoted to answering the two questions that I couldn't find on the inter-webs so far this year. 

Now read on as I magically feed the Google Gods with my pithy knowledge so that somebody else can easily access answers to these allusive questions.  Brace yourself for important new content being added to the world wide web. (Oooh ahhh)

The first item:

I had plans for New Year's, a wedding and a party. Finally I would be awake for the New Year.
I had the perfect party dress, too tight shoes and cute underpants everything I would need to make it through the night. What I didn't realize was that the one bra in my collection that would work with my perfect dress... squeaked, a loud squeak coming from my girls.

Squeaking at a New Year's party was one thing but I was not ready to be the squeaking boobs gal while my friend spoke her vows! in a last minute panic I Googled but alas not a single answer of how to fix my squeaky bra. I am a "do it yourself" type of girl so I put my thinking cap on. I began to realize that the original lubrication of the underwire had been washed away. My squeaky bra solution? WD-40? No.  I decided to try mineral oil and it worked.  I took a few drops and put it dabbed it onto the area where it was squeaking was and rubbed it into the wire (sort of a mini massage)  and eventually the squeaking stopped hallelujah. If you don't have mineral oil on hand you could use baby oil. 

Second item (completely and utterly unrelated):

I bought a new used car and just like every used car I have owned the moment I got home the intense cleaning began. I must erase all evidence of a prior owned, fix and replace as many interior items as possible. New seat covers and new floor mats. Sadly I can not tell you a fast way to remove perfume smell from your car. I steam cleaned it, sprayed her down with alcohol, left buckets of vinegar, replaced the Cabin air filter and I still smelled like a French whore for 3 months.

You can replace most owner manuals on Ebay but my main issue with my new car was I had no jack in my Scion XB. They were difficult to find on Ebay and expensive. Just when was ready to break down and buy one the manual arrived in the mail.

Do you have a Scion XB with no jack? Are you looking in the right place? I did have a Jack what I didn't have was a location. If your 2004-2006 Scion XB has a Jack it is under the drivers seat. It is not loose, it is ratcheted into place, get a flash light and look for it. Yippee

You are welcome ;)



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