Friday, April 20, 2012

Autism and more


How do you know if you have autism?

Sometimes I think I might. I often wonder how someone expects me to respond to something they are telling me, like if I should be happy or sad or sympathetic. I can struggle with a telephone conversation because I can't see that persons face and therefore do not know exactly how to judge and react to what they are saying to me. I frequently say inappropriate things and often just talk incessantly just out of nervousness. I am awkward and anxious.

I often find myself wondering what you are saying to me because I have spent the last few minutes staring at the way your brow wrinkles and how it makes the shape of an animal and that reminds me of the way that animal smells and that reminds me of the fragrance of the dye that some fabrics from India have and that reminders me that I wanted to go to the fabric store so I could start working on "x" but I can't start working on "x" until I finish "w" and... oh crap what were you just saying to me? 

Okay maybe it's not Autism but all those ads on tv imply that it is VERY common in today's children ( 1 in 4 or 1 in 100, or something in between) so doesn't that mean yesterday's children, now adults are running about undiagnosed? Is that just okay since they are ALL presumably on anti-depressants by now? Get the facts about Autism.

Side note: When I was a kid I struggled in school for years and I took a lot of tests and saw many a counselor to prove that I was not in fact a Mongoloid but a intelligent kid that had difficulties learning, years and more tests later and I was told I had CAPS and with some training school became easier to negotiate although I never challenged myself. Public school was like a job a did to prove I wasn't an idiot and nothing more.  I can only assume that what was once called CAPS is now is labeled CAPD, central auditory processing disorder. Could your kid have CAPD?

I was recently told by an ENT doctor that I couldn't have had CAPD because I "spoke just fine", I think that it is sad that he maybe ruining kids lives.

Soapbox: If your kid is bouncing off the walls from being overstimulated, having I hard time memorizing, sounding out and spelling words, difficulty following directions, distracted by noise (static, music,tv) you might want to look into CAPD testing before someone wants to put your kid on ADD med’s because he "speaks just fine" and why bother with testing. Of course I am not a doctor nor a parent, I am just saying to remember you are your child's only advocate so do your research!

Well I kinda lost my way, funny how your emotional baggage can steer you off course.
Seriously if you are an adult with Autism please chime in with the answers to these questions:
Did you know you had Autism?
What is your creative outlet?
© Catherine Carr
© Catherine Carr

I almost forgot
ART UPDATE: Lots of Original Artworks from the Vault for sale at *clearance prices Here

AND I finally have started an email list for special people, that's you and I promise no more than 12 emails a year and filled with fantastic news and special sales, sign up Here

* Also known as "please get them out of my house"

As always my apologies to the English language

Cathy <3


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