Saturday, February 6, 2010

WARNING! This was not proof read! sorry


Blog, blog, blog…. Social networking is kind of a drag.
I have lots to say. My brain is continually churning out interesting revelations yet when the time comes to write it down, POOF.  Maybe I should start recording my random thoughts and when the time comes type them out and couple with a smattering of images, viola = blog (or not).
My free time is limited. Blogging, tweeting and facebookery are an after thought. “oh crap I forgot about the WORLD WIDE WEB, the sky will surely fall” I am interested and fascinated by these interwebs and how I have the freedom and ease to grab a word definition with out grabbing a dictionary, to spy into the lives of EX’s and seek out like minded individuals from well… ANYWHERE!
So many people and projects and things overwhelm me but I can’t look away. Not to mention feeling “less than” when I am not the one on the monitor.
There is a flip side, there always is.  (I will refrain)
I just want to make art, hang out with my animals in the sun and maybe change the world a little. Can social networking help me? Not with the art making or the sun bathing but can a blog or a tweet or a website make a positive difference? I think so. How? I am still working that out. I have more to say about this but I am already getting lost in the cluster of convolution.

Comments and Suggestions are always welcome 

I haven't photgraphed any thing this week so here is my face



Wikked Wit said...

Hey there. I love your work!!!! I feel the same way about blogging. I read all these witty blogs, and I myself am witty...until it comes time to put it down for others to read...DOUBLE POOF! Gone. :)

kristen said...

i feel that way alot, too :) Definitely with you on this one. I do like using though, from a whole time-saving thing. Unfortunately, it can't help me with the witty

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I too have the same feeling, it drives me crazy sometimes. It's like having this really awesome dream that is so rich and so meaningful but that slowly evaporates after I get up in the morning and attempt to write or draw or even talk about it.

Sometimes I think that so much of what happens in our heads is like compost for something else to grow from. That something else is the few actual, real-world art pieces we are able to actually make. I have no idea how "social" media fits in though. Meanwhile all the little microbes and bugs and worms in our brains are munching away making more rich compost/ dreams/ thoughts/insites/revelations.

Then the sun comes out and it's so warm and nice. :-)

Hey, I'm glad I found your blog.

Catherine said...

Thanks everybody

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