lying in bed and typing on my iPod.
I was looking at flash drives a few days ago and was truely shocked that I can now buy a tiny little hard drive that can hold 2gig's for $10!
I should buy one. It just freaks me out when I think about my first computer and where we are now and where we will be soon. Was it Commodore 64 or was it the good ol PC88 that we had first? I should remember but I don't. I do remember Zork. Sometimes I play it online and relize I kinda always sucked at it:) I tend to get lost in the maze. Haven't played it? Well give it a spin Play Zork . You BBS's I haven't forgotten, I remember you fondly too. We had two here in Santa fe, lucky us. Actually I think they were both out of Los Alamos. I can not believe I forgot the names but I remember the Syop's well. Thanks Guy's it was fun!
I also remember the very first ISP I every saw.... now I am not sure if it was compuserve or protege? The thing I do remember i there was an ad for Ford and I thought oh no the future it's going to be one big commercial,
boy was I wrong ;)
Well how's that for a trip down memory lane? Care to fill in the blanks? Go For it.
Thanks for reading my rambling.
as always proofin is for you mother
now for some more Ipod art
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Look I have been taking more pictures of myself, it sure passes the time!
I have taken so many in hopes that one will look really good to me, I think
it might be time for a big ol' crazy wig.
What can one say? Life it happens whether you take part or not. As for me I have been QUOTE Sick UNQUOTE for the last two years. That is a lot of time when you consider how little time we get, more than our pets and usually more than our men but still so brief.
It seems like the days and weeks and months just slip though. It is like trying to hold water and it's all a wash in the end.
Sent from my iPod
Brace yourself or turn back while you still can I am about to feel sorry for myself and I am taking you with me.
Now I sit at my computer. It makes my shoulder hurt. I have been so pressed for time and I know that is a pressure only I can make myself feel and I do.
Website, Ebay, Esty, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and this blog, they all eat time, time I could be making art or dancing or even relaxing( i think that's what they call it). I REALLY miss dancing.
The real time eater? Work, better known as my job, the one that pays the mortgage and feeds the furry children. All the time I send doing for someone else all the things I should be doing for me.
Another Halloween Jack, this one is in a sack,
I am not sure where to take him from here.
What do you all think? Does he need arms and legs?
How about straw or candy? maybe spiders
Sometimes I wonder how things would be different it money was no object. Would I make the leap if I didn't have to worry about faith? Making stuff I like and feeling good while I am doing it just doesn't seem like a crazy dream to me but the having to make money part that is the challenge. I have started posting on Ebay. The plan is to try the auction first and if it doesn't sell there, then on to Etsy.
Now I am an addict, I check my ebay posting constantly and worry about it too. I see how many people have viewed it and how many are NOT watching and start to go crazy as no one bids. I gotta get over this.
Well feel slightly better now. As always proof readin is for the man :) Sorry about the formatting, it seems to be a mystery to me. Please Comment, I need input, direction, or at least a few laughs.
Just in case you have not noticed....
Ebay =
Website =
Esty =
Twitter =
Facebook =!/profile.php?id=634174845
Flickr =
and this blog =
This is the Current Ebay Listing
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I am in a pack rat hell. I trip and drop and dig and spill because my studio is a studio, office, sewing room, kitty toilet and so much more. I have been making myself crazy with TOO MUCH STUFF. I need suggestions and furniture to tackle this beast.
as always prooff readin is for the man
Cathy ;D
Friday, June 4, 2010
Halloween Witch Painting FINISHED yay me
Kinda pissed off lookin Lady Painting also Finished - now just needs a frame, woo-hoo!
okay trying to write on my iPod. how do I get what I type from here to there? oh I see now. shall I get on with it? (I typed this out on my Ipod, I have been trying to find better ways to get my thoughts from my brain to my blog before I forget them)
UPDATES of LIFE, ART, NATURE ! What do they have in common? Me and you too.
ART: I made a promise to myself and to my art and since I have been like a sumo at a buffet hungrily trying to stuff it all in before closing time. I have been so greedy and so worried about closing time that I have been forgetting to breathe and taste and enjoy. I beat myself up "if I only had more time, more help, more talent..." I am being consumed by myself, and that is just weird.
As always comments are welcome and encouraged and I am not grammatically correct so stuff it.
Thanks for reading :)
Next time on A Hidden Rave "LIFE:"
also for your enjoyment IPOD ART
Kinda pissed off lookin Lady Painting also Finished - now just needs a frame, woo-hoo!
okay trying to write on my iPod. how do I get what I type from here to there? oh I see now. shall I get on with it? (I typed this out on my Ipod, I have been trying to find better ways to get my thoughts from my brain to my blog before I forget them)
UPDATES of LIFE, ART, NATURE ! What do they have in common? Me and you too.
ART: I made a promise to myself and to my art and since I have been like a sumo at a buffet hungrily trying to stuff it all in before closing time. I have been so greedy and so worried about closing time that I have been forgetting to breathe and taste and enjoy. I beat myself up "if I only had more time, more help, more talent..." I am being consumed by myself, and that is just weird.
As always comments are welcome and encouraged and I am not grammatically correct so stuff it.
Thanks for reading :)
Next time on A Hidden Rave "LIFE:"
also for your enjoyment IPOD ART